never a jw
JoinedPosts by never a jw
Facebook post by a JW on Pope & President & May 2012 WT
by rosyray inlong time no post.
couldn't help myself when i saw this in my facebook feed.. .
the caption that followed:.
never a jw
Pathetic! -
Bible popularity??
by Diogenesister inmore ikea catalogues were printed last year than bibles.. ikea is a swedish flatpack furniture store..
never a jw
Happy to hear. The Bible has held a privileged place that it does not deserve for too long. Things are changing for the better though. I happen to be reading a book "The End of Biblical Studies" by a biblical scholar, Hector Avalos, who thinks it is time to get a bunch of scholars, himself included, and ministers out of their jobs and put them to do something more productive.
Removed from JW.ORG: Warwick Photo Gallery 3 (January Through April 2015)
by wifibandit inthe warwick gallery #1 and gallery #2 are still up.. i have #3 backed up:
also pulled: .
wallkill photo gallery 2.
never a jw
Under one of the photo's is a comment that states females make up 35% of the workers. Thats got to mean a lot of unqualified workers.
You better elaborate on this comment. As it is, sounds quite offensive to women. Work hard to get yourself of this faux pas
JW's won't like this but the Guardian says, "Now for the good news: things really are getting better"
by AndersonsInfo in
now for the good news: things really are getting better .
friday 11 september 2015 04.00 edt .
never a jw
Are you going to believe the Bible or the Facts?
Hands down I believe the Bible more. It was the Bible that predicted the invisible parousia of Jesus in 1914. You don't believe it because in that year you were not of the anointed, those who saw the signs.
My Opinions on whats going on in WT land - Insider Information
by thedepressedsoul infirst off, i'd like to state that i currently have "privileges" in the congregation and volunteer at bethel on and off throughout the year.
that's as much information as i will currently give about myself.. starting off, i think something big is coming in the form of lawsuits and bad pr.
they seem to be batting down the hatches in preparation for something the last few years and even more so the last few months.
never a jw
That is exactly what he said, 3 congregations per building.
What's the significance of that?
My wife has been attending a small kingdom hall for 20 years that accommodates at least four congregations. It's at full capacity; there's no way to squeeze any more congregations unless you reduce meetings days to just one per week. I don't think the number of congregations per hall solves anything. It's the size of the congregations that will help their financial problem. Out of two halls, they may sell one and keep the other, but build it bigger to fit larger congregations.
Imitating Jesus with a goatee vs Elders
by brandnew inok.....ya gotta hear this ......pops, who is 80 + , slightly nacisistic, slight case of alzheimers, and a stubborn good ol man.. decided to grow a pretty nice lookin goatee this week..... elders swooped on him so quick, it was crazy....... pops looked like he was diggin the whole show of testosterone being flung in his face , but he stood his ground and smiled.... when the dust settled, and pops had his say..... he replied......"im imitating jesus, and jehovah "....!!!!.
omg...the smile on my face, and the one on my dads was priceless......along with the frowns on theirs... thats all....just wanted to share that..
never a jw
Great story! especially coming from an old timer. You would think they are the most conservative and intransigent. -
Offended by JW letter targeting obituaries
by betterdaze inlocal father offended by jehovah's witness letter, claims its writer is targeting obituariesjacksonville, fla. a local father who wishes to remain anonymous sent action news jax a copy of a letter sent to his family's church.. the letter read in part: "sorry about your loss.
i read about it from the obituary.
jehovahs witness literature was attached to the letter.. in a time when a family is grieving they need to be surrounded by family and friends.
never a jw
Our tactless and propaganda filled speeches in funeral of JW's are not enough, let us extend our poor taste in consoling victims to worldly people. -
Reworked video where Sophia re-thinks giving money to the WTBTS.
by notjustyet init looks like sophia is starting to wake up,.... if this video does not embed, will someone more int he know please take the url and fix it in a post below.. thanks, .
never a jw
Good job! -
never a jw
Unbelievable!... -
Christian Life and Ministry
by Gorbatchov inof course we were all surprised by the new wts move with the christian life and ministry meeting.. today i googled the term christian life and ministry and got a direct link to evangelical churches.. so, does this mean anything?.
never a jw
It means that they want to move mainstream, millenarianism doesn't pay anymore. The problem with mainstream religion is that it's no longer fashionable. So they have nowhere to go